The formula for this kind of programs is always the same: a bad behaved animal, a hopeless owner, and an animal expert that fixes everything up. How do you make this interesting? Animal Planet had the wonderful idea of mocking the 1973 film "The Exorcist", the problem was that the quality of this kind of reality show is very dubious, so inspired by Frank Miller comic "Sin City" we decided to work on black and white and high contrast to give the promo a Film Noir look. The juxtaposition of a simple and funny story and such a serious aesthetic make the star of the show Jackson Galaxy say " Oh my god, I love it so much!! " : )
Art Direction
Hubert Reinfeld
Cristina Briceno
Vladimir Mihalkov
Graphic Design
Cristina Briceno
Alejandro Tony Ocando
Ajejandro Tony Ocando
Kiro The Fat Cat